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Message to Comparison based on accomplishment does not have a baseline

So many people have aked how can they get their message to Comparison based on accomplishment does not have a baseline ? How can I get a message to Comparison based on accomplishment does not have a baseline ? We are happy to inform it's possible. Here are a few of the stories shared with us from around the world, share gratitude message below:

  | #virtue#life

I would just note that you have an image of some “great X” that you are trying to live up to, when really, there is no frame of reference to standardize a measure for X. Point being you and your circumstances are completely unique[[Warren Buffet talks about the idea of maintaining an inner score card of principles to escape this girardian mimetic rat-race::rmn]]. Also, James Richardon, the poet, says this beautifully in his book “Vectors: Aphorisms and 10 Second Essays”:

“He wants to know what the best is so he can be superior to everything at once by seeing that the best isn’t perfect”.

One way to handle this would be to realize the fragility of the epistemic confidence acquired as a result of accomplishment based superiority. Socio-cultural structure like Humility can help with this a lot. It is to be noted that , and not the false pretension to decieve each other into playing the comparison and pseudo-superiority game, which would just defeat the purpose of seeing the uniqueness of circumstance.


Warren Buffet. (Unknown). [[The Inner Scorecard::]]

About Chitoh

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Hello there! Dan GO is my name. Openly sharing this platform to express appreciation for the person you adore, write Send birthday greetings, thank you notes, and messages of love to people. Stats, messages, and tales from all people to express gratitude designed for all types of mentors, including instructors and celebrities.

Comparison based on accomplishment does not have a baseline left handed or right hand?